Republicans and ‘Anonymous’ Get It Wrong GOP panelists didn’t know what to do at the hearings, and the author seems not to be playing it straight.

A young foreign-affairs professional asked last week if the coming impeachment didn’t feel like Watergate. He was a child during that scandal, I in college. I said no, Watergate had the feeling of real drama, it was a reckoning with who we were as a people; it felt grave. This is more like the Clinton […]

Can Democrats Take Impeachment Seriously? If it’s a straight party-line vote, they’ll win in the House, fail in the Senate, and lose in America.

We have grown used to the daily bedlam, the nonstop freak-out that is the Trump White House. Nevertheless it should be noted the president’s language and visage this week were especially wild. It’s “treason,” it’s “a coup,” it’s a “hoax” and a “fraud,” the whistleblower’s information came from “a leaker or a spy,” it’s a […]

Everyone Knows the Truth About Politics The Democrats are scrambling, Trump is a screwball and the sane center is getting ignored.

“Everybody knows everything.” That mordant observation is the first of Burnham’s Laws. James Burnham was a significant mid-20th century figure, a public intellectual and political philosopher who started out on the left—as a young follower he carried on an extensive personal correspondence with Leon Trotsky —and became in time an eloquent foe of totalitarianism in […]

More Gabbard, Delaney and Williamson, Please And it’s past time for Beto O’Rourke, Bill de Blasio and Kirsten Gillibrand to get off the stage.

A few points on round two of the Democratic debates in Detroit. The first night was good, full of fight and clarifying. The second was sour, with candidates jumping around with their small strategies. Parties forget that in such debates an aggregate impression emerges. Here is the less important and perhaps temporary one: The Democrats […]

The 2020 Democrats Lack Hindsight They ignore reality and march in lockstep with their base. Did they learn anything from 2016?

I’ve received tens of thousands of letters and other communications from Trump supporters the past few years, some of which have sparked extended dialogues. Two I got after last week’s column struck me as pertinent to this moment, and they make insufficiently appreciated points. A gentleman of early middle age in Kansas City wrote to […]

Mueller’s Exit and an Impeachment Alternative Trying to overturn an election would be too divisive. Congress should censure Trump instead.

The investigation is complete, his office is closed, he returns to private life. And Robert Mueller leaves in his wake a great murk, doesn’t he? Even in his statement this week, presumably aimed in part at making things clearer, he spoke between the lines. What did he say, between the lines? Apparently I was too […]

If Biden Runs, They’ll Tear Him Up The old Democratic Party was warm, like him. The new one rising is colder, less human and divisive.

Don’t do it, Joe. Don’t run for president. It won’t work, you won’t get the nomination, your loss will cause pain and not only for you. And your defeat will be worse than sudden, it will be poignant. Right now operatives for the other candidates are trying to scare you out of jumping in. We […]

Congress’s Mean Girls Are Trump’s Offspring Omar and Ocasio-Cortez equate roughness with authenticity. So does the man they despise.

We’re in a time of absorbed but subtle and not fully noticed shifts. Old-time liberals and conservatives seem to understand each other more deeply, more generously than they did in the past: In some new way they see the other’s basic political decency. On the other hand the parties they’ve been aligned with offer constant […]

Republicans Need to Save Capitalism Democrats have gone left, so they’re not going to do it. The GOP needs a renewed seriousness.

Let’s think about the broader, less immediate meaning of our political era. This is how I read it and have read it for some time: The Democratic Party is going hard left. There will be stops and starts but it’s the general trajectory and will be for the foreseeable future. Pew Research sees the party […]

The Odd Way We Announce for President Now The challenge, pressure and opportunity of being a female candidate in 2020.

We are American politicians. We are running for president. We are dancing and drinking beer. We are on a road trip, dilating on our mind-loops, hoping to make new friends. We are singing “One Nation Under a Groove.” We are announcing we’re exploring a run on Colbert as we giggle and hold his hand, as […]