Bush’s defeat: insider’s analysis

Having rebuffed a fine man whose Presidency failed, about half the country, I suspect, will have the rueful blues this weekend. George Bush was our last President from the great generation that held last through a bitter depression and fought gallantly in war for a country they never doubted for a second deserved their love. […]

What’s Wrong With the Right?

One day in 1980, New York’s history-minded Democratic Senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, sat in his wood-paneled study reading the Op-Ed page of a major newspaper. Suddenly he smacked the floor with his cane like Lionel Barrymore, shook his head and growled, “Of a sudden, the Republican Party is the party of ideas.” At least that’s […]

Those Moist Amphibian Lips

Once upon a time in the land of children’s books there resided certain conventions: fairy tales would be relatively simple stories, and the lessons they provided would be both practical (cry wolf too often and no one will listen when the real wolf comes) and moral (virtue is, in the end, rewarded). There were some […]