I meant to talk about something else this week, but my thoughts keep circling back to Rush Limbaugh. His obituaries in the mainstream press were mostly judgment, no mercy. It’s not nice when malice gets a final, unanswered shot. On the conservative side, TV commentaries were cloying to the point of cultish. It gives a sense of horror to see people who are essentially cold enact warmth of feeling.
So here I give Rush without tears, and I guess the subtext has to do with the words “the base” in both a broad and narrow sense.
He was a remarkable figure, a phenomenon. At his height he was the most powerful radio personality since Walter Winchell, who rose in the 1930s after radio’s beginnings. Limbaugh helped save radio and certainly saved the AM band by pioneering a new form, the national conservative call-in show. This spawned an entire industry. Most important, he created a community—an actual community of, at his height, tens of millions of people who thought along with him every day and through that thinking came to feel less lonely, less like outsiders in their views. When Limbaugh came on the scene, conservatives had gotten good at electing presidents, but were largely left out of the national conversation on the airwaves.
To create a community of tens of millions of people in fractured, incoherent America was an astounding feat. To pretty much sustain it over 30 years was equally astounding.
It is perhaps ironic but probably inevitable that that community was created by a man whom one of his closest friends this week called “an isolate.” Knowing him slightly over a few decades, I believe the most important thing to him was his profession, his show—three hours a day, five days a week, unscripted, with sound elements and callers. Preparation was all-consuming. He had to be constantly plugged in, staying on top of the news, monitoring opinions, settling on the one he’d put forward. Three hours of live performance takes everything you have.
Once in the 1990s I told him what struck me wasn’t the political content but what it took to be an entertainer, to go out there live and make it fresh, fun and interesting. People see you as about politics, I said, but you have to be Jackie Gleason. His eyes widened and he thanked me profusely. People thought he was just popping off, but every show had to be planned—segments, subjects, how to imagine what turn a conversation might make, how to anticipate curveballs and cul-de-sacs.
In its early days his show was funny, bombastic, original and over the top—“talent on loan from God,” “dittoheads.” There was a joy to it. His patriotism was real. He was, in the post-Reagan era— Ronald Reagan was the last man who, while president, didn’t know who Rush Limbaugh was—the great broadcast explainer of conservative stands. He would, as the Journal noted, give an hour to tax policy or deregulation, exposing generations of listeners to arguments they’d never heard before. This was powerful and constructive.
There were downsides, flaws that over the years became ingrained. There was a growing attitude of conservatism, c’est moi, which crowded out newer, sometimes more complicated strands of thought. He was too quick to do the bidding of those he considered powerful. He was too much the cigar-chomping head of the He Man Woman Hating Club. He could credibly be accused of bigotries and blindnesses. And in his last years what had always seemed at least one kind of conservatism looked more like nihilism.
To have a show such as his you had to be The Guy With the View, and knock down others’ views. In the past 15 years my views on important issues diverged from his; he came to see me as an apostate and attacked me for my criticisms of Iraq policy, Sarah Palin, George W. Bush and Donald Trump. His attacks turned personal: I was an elite fancy person, an establishment character of rarefied background who looked down on honest people like him and his listeners. His criticisms were at odds with the facts of our lives, and he knew it; for one thing he was damning me from his vast Palm Beach, Fla., estate. Like many male conservative media figures he made a game of pretending to class sensitivity and implying he’d had to scrap his way up. The radio station where he got his start was co-owned by his father.
In the past dozen or so years, I came to think he was not trying to lead people through thought but simply to divine where his followers were going and rushing to the head of the line so he could look as if he was leading them.
Everyone in public life has a base. The talkers on radio and cable TV, left and right, have one, and Rush had one. And they don’t want to get crosswise with them because they are afraid of them. They constantly have to be alert to where the base is and giving it what it wants, or it may leave. All this degrades and damages public attempts at honesty. It also feeds political polarization.
In 2006, when Mr. Bush’s White House led the party to a devastating congressional defeat, Rush said on his show that, now, “I no longer have to carry the water” for the people who’d just lost.
It actually shocked me when he said that. In supporting the president and the GOP on Iraq and immigration, he was carrying their water? But if you have class and self-respect, you carry no one’s water. And you don’t follow the base; you respect them, tell them what you actually think, and take the blows.
Rush Limbaugh had a groundbreaking career and a big one, but his legacy is mixed. Conservatives after him were less lonely and more aggressive. I think maybe they were at their best when they were lonely, when they didn’t have an echo chamber, when they had to be more deliberative and steelier, when they had to think it through, argue it through in their heads. Now they have the further iterations of Rush, who talk about conspiracy theories and stolen elections as they try, each in competition with the other, to hold on to their base.
What made Rush Limbaugh’s show possible was the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine, which, starting in 1949, mandated that holders of broadcast licenses must both give airtime to important issues and include opposing views. It asserted a real public-interest obligation from broadcasters.
By the 1980s it was being argued that the doctrine itself was hurting free speech: It was a governmental intrusion on the freedom of broadcasters, and, perversely, it inhibited the presentation of controversial issues. There were so many voices in the marketplace, and more were coming; fairness and balance would sort themselves out.
In 1987 the doctrine was abolished, a significant Reagan-era reform. But I don’t know. Let me be apostate again. Has anything in our political culture gotten better since it was removed? Aren’t things more polarized, more bitter, less stable?
I’m not sure it was good for America.
And that’s a base, too.